

This is the next project by Surface Arts www.surfacearts.co.uk which takes place at the ComPeung Village of Creativity Chiang Mai, Thailand www.compeung.org.

Surface Arts is  collaborating with artists working in Thailand and the UK  to develop International exchanges through art. These artists create interventions in space, often work in non traditional places and offer challenging work that crosses art forms, defies labelling, identifies trends and pushes boundaries.

All associated artists will work via the Internet to form a collective. We will look beyond our own centre to create a temporary shared reality. This will be a virtual twinning project between artists working in the UK and Thailand. The results of the project will be uploaded HERE!

This collaborative project will form part of an International exhibition at Chiang Mai University Art Centre called WhaTToDip (this title is taken from the pronunciation of Thai word meaning Raw Material) which takes place from 6th until 28th October.

This exhibition aims to explore artists’ use of the Internet and social media as a global collaborative tool and questions our relationship with raw materials, working with communities to explore the uses of local raw materials. Surface Arts have been invited to take part, the exhibition is being organised by Uncookedculture- an art and social media organisation that create a synergy for creating a balanced global environment www.uncookedculture.com.

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