
Chutima Kerdpitak (Nok)

Is the owner and founder of uncooked culture and currently curating ‘What To Dip’ exhibition in October at Chiang Mai University Art Centre.
She has set up the Gihon River Collective is an assembly of writers and visual artists who were in residency at the Vermont Studio Centre and has been involved in a variety of International exhibitions and collaborative projects. Previously she ran an artist bar ‘The Drunken Flower’ in Chiang Mai and studied at Chiang Mai University.





Stuart Crewes

Is a multi-media artist, possibly through finding the potential for beauty –Art – in everything. Crewes believes in the democratic use of all materials, situations and in No Waste. This has also resulted in the act of hoarding.

 Over the years Crewes has created a slew of sound montages and collaborations. In the early 90’s as Sui Harla his interests were performance, installation and the 90’s saw documentation as himself; collage and photography work and the birth of Absolute Catastrophe [album covers, illustrations, political and social commentary] at the turn of the century he produced releases from the noise/dark ambient crossroads as Antisocial Services. Since ’06 and more recently there is a resurgence of installation and socially engaged practice throughout his work.


Tom Goddard

His work is primarily concerned with multiples, exploring the tendency to nurture habit, ritual, routine and even obsessive repetition in a modern world where possibilities and choices are endless. Goddard is interested in the varying complexities of the human personality, the character traits and idiosyncrasies that only become apparent in certain situations, and the underlying emotions. He works in a wide range of media including drawing, animation, print, performance, and socially engaged work.


Jessica Mautner

She has recently taken residencies in Gdansk and the Netherlands and is now based in London. Mautner is a multidisciplinary artist, whose work is often a political response to place, space, history and community. Practising mainly in the forms of large scale sculpture, audiovisual installation, and public realm intervention, she regularly collaborates with a sound artist (as louie+jesse), as well as performers and activists. She is interested in the interplay between personal body and external space, including the negotiation and subversion of built and planned environments by maleable organic forms.




Pablo Sacristan

 Each of Sacristans’ works are alive and independent, and have their own personality within an environment, so they affect and are affected by the world around them.

 The work is never finished, because it is always active in the space where it exists.

 ‘The work of art is a way of relationship between you and me’. He believes imagination is the most valuable quality of the artist, it can’t be learned or taught, therefore is unique in each individual.



Laura Reeves

Her practice uses found images (mostly 35mm slides) as a starting point for investigative and document based works.

Her work tries to look beyond the re-presenting of images and instead is led by the images starting a meandering journey. Her practice is not studio based, she explores the world outside. She involves artists books in her work as a way engaging a wider audience.


Ittirawee Chotirawee



His work has always been purely abstract to convey a personal language asking for an intuitive reading from the viewer. He tries to feel something universal to feed his imagination- simultaneously standing upon the ground and reversing realistic elements that intertwine with the ideas.

His paintings are a passport into his own aesthetic education.




Pisithpong  Siraphisut (Ong)

 Is a multidisciplinary artist based in Chiang Mai. He is the artist founder of ComPeung Village of Creativity, the first non-governmental Artist-in-Residence programme in Thailand. Over the last three years it has brought over 50 International artists to Thailand to collaborate and initiate new projects. Since graduating from Chiang Mai University his research and development has taken him to many countries throughout Asia, North America and Australia to produce new works.



Megan Hoggins


Hoggins works in painting, drawing, frottage, sculpture, installation, photography, melted things, burnt things and things she finds in skips. Her work revolves around the apparent need of the human mind to impose form and reason on its experiences through a series of cognitive constructs. Her subject matter is wide, usually delivered in a narrative or documentary style, reflecting her interests in language, storytelling and interpretation.





Patavee Viranuvat (Art)


Viranuvat is an Independent Film Director, Screenwriter , Cinematographer, and Producer. Patavee also works in number of Film Productions, International Film Festival, and produced International Installation Art Exhibiton & Video Art Festival in Australia & Thailand. His film works include shorts, TVC, documentaries, feature films. He decided to sacrifice the rest of his life into film making, ‘no matter what happens’.



Tiff Oben


Tiff Oben’s current interests revolve around the concept and genre of antagonistic art.  Through her performative enactments of others she intervenes into her sense of self and the contemporary art scene with the specific aim to provoke confrontations that force the viewer to think. This position of contemplation focuses on our positioning within society and the way we treat one another according to the assumptions and reactions we fall into when confronted with difference. Oben’s hope is that the antagonism and confrontation is enough to create a momentary space of liminality in which lies a potential for micro-revolution on a personal if fleeting level.



Morag Kiziewicz


Morag Kiziewicz’s art is experiential and of the moment.  Including installation, writing, photography, Morag is always working with spatial and social concepts,  exploring instinctual wisdom and the exclusion of emotional intelligence.  She is relishing this opportunity to play with visual language and text in the daily word.





Andrew Henon

Is a socially engaged artist and has been so described for 34 years. His work is about change. Change features as an ongoing theme in the work as an observation a process or circumstance, a condition or as a site, context within which to work or as content for the work. Henon has been exploring and researching through fine art practice ‘Living Educational Theory’ and working for many years with theories of inclusionality applying these within social applications both as targeted pieces of work or generic workshop scenarios. His work ranges from painting, drawing and sculpture as first disciplines through installations and site, need and spatial design specifics to facilitating, enabling and interventions. Recent published work can be downloaded free as a PDF from,341

 Or from the site



 More artists to come…

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